Forum Munich Aerospace – Contrail Management: Benefits and Challenges for Aviation

Discover how contrail management is shaping the future of sustainable aviation in this dynamic panel discussion featuring world-leading experts from diverse fields. This event highlights the interdisciplinary nature of contrail management, bringing together specialists in research, atmospheric modeling, flight planning, airline operations, software validation, and more.

Our panelists will explore the intricate connections between contrails, CO2 emissions, and climate change while addressing the technical challenges and groundbreaking methods for detecting, monitoring, and predicting contrail formation. From cutting-edge research to practical implementation in airline operations, this discussion provides a comprehensive look at the current state and future roadmap of contrail management.


17:40: Welcome and Opening (Marius Wedemeyer, Aerospace Ambition)

17:45: Introduction to the topic “Contrail Management” (Prof. Christiane Voigt, Head of Cloud Physics Department, DLR)

18:00: Panel Discussion with:

  • Prof. Christiane Voigt, Head of Cloud Physics Department, DLR
  • Matteo Mirolo (Head of Policy and Strategy Contrails, Breakthrough Energy)
  • Christoph Todt (Head of Environmental Sustainability, TUI Airline)
  • Prof. Ulrich Schumann (Former Head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR)
  • Alejandra Martín Frías (Head of Contrail Research and Sustainability, Flightkeys GmbH)

19:00: Beer, Pretzels and Networking

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