This section contains all current press releases on topics concerning the Munich Aerospace research network.

17. November 2021
Final Research Report 2016-2020
The 2nd Munich Aerospace Final Report contains eight research reports of the research groups funded by Munich Aerospace between 2016 and 2020 as well as evaluations of the Munich Aerospace research and fellowship programme.
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30. April 2020
First Munich Aerospace Report
In 2020, Munich Aerospace published its first scientific report on aerospace. This publication entitled “New Horizons in Space Technology“ documents the current state of space research, looking at promising new technologies and potential applications.

20. February 2020
Global Aerospace Campus brochure
The image brochure for the eLearning and conference programme Global Aerospace Campus provides brief insights into facts and figures relating to the Munich Aerospace global initiative.

01. December 2019
Munich Aerospace image brochure
The Munich Aerospace image brochure provides an overview of the four Munich Aerospace key fields of activity: research, teaching, scholarship and graduate programmes as well as the Association’s research strategy.

01. November 2018
Sponsorship brochure
At Munich Aerospace, companies may either sponsor PhD students and research groups or establish own research groups. The sponsorship brochure gives details of the arrangements and prerequisites.

26. March 2018
Final Research Report 2015-2017
The German-language publication covers research results from interinstitutional research groups, funded by Munich Aerospace between 2015 and 2017.
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