Members’ Meeting
The association’s highest decision-making body is the Members’ Meeting, consisting of one highest ranking representative each of every member institution. The Members’ Meeting is responsible in particular for passing resolutions on the orientation of Munich Aerospace in terms of content and strategy.
- Prof. Dr. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Chair of the Executive Board, on behalf of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann, President, on behalf of Technical University of Munich (TUM)
- Prof. Dr. Mirko Hornung, Executive Director, on behalf of Bauhaus Luftfahrt (BHL)
- Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Kern, President, on behalf of the Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBwM)
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for all day-to-day management matters of the Association. The Executive Board consists of one Executive Chairman and representatives of the four members.
Chairman of the Executive Board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Meurer heads the Navigation Department at the Institute of Communication and Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He has been representing DLR at the Munich Aerospace Executive Board since October 2021. Prof. Meurer has been the Chairman of the Board since 2023.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter W. Hein had been Head the Institute of Geodesy and Navigation at University of the Bundeswehr Munich until 2008, where he received the honorary title “Emeritus of Excellence” in 2015. From 2008 to 2014, he headed the “EGNOS and GNSS Evolution Programme Department” of the European Space Agency (ESA). In 2002, the won the Johannes Kepler Award of the US Institute of Navigation and in 2017 the European Inventor Award. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Board of Munich Aerospace on behalf of UniBwM.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler has been heading the Chair of Carbon Composites at the Technical University of Munich since 2009. Since 2019, he has also been the Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology. As a board member of Munich Aerospace and member of the Coordination Council of the Ludwig Bölkow Campus, he has been representing the Technical University of Munich since 2015. Between 2016 and 2017, he served as Chairman of the Executive Board at Munich Aerospace.
Prof. Dr Mirko Hornung has been Executive Director Research and Technology at Bauhaus Luftfahrt since 2010 and is also a founding member of Munich Aerospace. As a professor at the Chair of Aircraft Design at the Technical University of Munich, he was appointed Dean of the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy in October 2020. In June 2011, he also became founding member of the “Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany” (aireg). Hornung is also a member of the “Transport Advisory Group” of the European Commission. As a board member of Munich Aerospace and member of the Coordination Council of the Ludwig Bölkow Campus, he has been representing the interests of Bauhaus Luftfahrt since 2018.
Scientific Advisory Board
Munich Aerospace has appointed an advisory board as a consultative body for explicitly scientific issues, advising the association in particular with regard to long-term research and development planning.
Spokesman on space technology:
Dr. Günther Kohlhammer, ehem. Chief Digitial Officer, ESA
Spokesman on aviation technology:
Prof. Dr. Horst Schmidt-Bischoffshausen, ehem. Leiter Strategie Konzernforschung und Patentwesen, EADS Deutschland
- Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, FIEEE, president of the Austrian Institute of Navigation, former Head of the Electromagnetics and Space Environment Division, European Space Agency
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Fritsch, former Director of the Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Udo Helmbrecht, ehem. BSI Präsident und ENISA Direktor, technischer Direktor CODE, Universität der Bundeswehr München
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Klinkrad, former Head of the Space Debris Office, European Space Agency
- Dr. Gerd R. Kraft, former Director Programmes of DLR Space Administration, German Aerospace Center
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Kupke, Chair of Polymer Composites Technology, University of Augsburg
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner, Professor of Flight Mechanics, Flight Control and Aeroelasticity, Technical University of Berlin
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Schilling, Chair of Computer Science VII – Robotics and Telematics, University of Würzburg
- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Reh, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Managing Director, Institute of Test and Simulation for Gasturbines
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees offers advisory support to the Board of Directors and the Members’ Meeting, especially on strategic issues. In addition to the member representatives of Munich Aerospace, the Board of Trustees includes representatives from science, industry, and ministerial administrations.
Dr. Gerd-Achim Gruppe, former Space Management Head, DLR
Members from :
- Jörg Feustel-Büechl, former Director of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity at ESA
- Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode, President of the Bavarian Research Foundation
- Prof. Thomas Hofmann, President, Technical University of Munich
- Prof. Mirko Hornung, Executive Director, Bauhaus Luftfahrt
- Prof. Dr. Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, Chair of the Executive Board, DLR
- Prof. Dr. Martin Leitner, President of the Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Volker Liebig, former Director of Earth Observation programmes at ESA
- Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Kern, President, Bundeswehr University Munich
- Prof. Dr. Hans Sünkel, former Rector of the Graz University of Technology
- Dr. Frank Anton, Senior Vice President at Corporate Technology, Siemens
- Dr. Jörg Au, Managing Director and Engineering Director, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
- Dr. Sebastian Carl, Managing Director, GAF AG
- Johann Heitzmann, Chairman of the Board, bavAIRia
- Klaus Hofmann, Member of the Executive Board, OHB SE
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Schwarz, Chairman of the Management Board of IABG
- Hans J. Steininger, CEO MT Aerospace
- Dr. Stefan Weber, Senior Vice President Technology & Engineering, MTU Aero Engines
- Johannes Frik, Head of Department A II 2, Bavarian State Chancellery
- Florian Hahn, Member of the German Bundestag
- Dr. Michael Mihatsch, Head of Department U, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK)
- Dr. Thomas Reiter, Representative of the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg)
- Dietmar Schneyer, Ministerial Counsellor, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWi)