Research and industry cooperations

Munich Aerospace enables companies to promote their own R&I topics and secure qualified young professionals. As part of doctoral scholarships, companies can

  • can set up their own research groups in eight strategic key topics together with our members.
  • connect with existing research groups.
  • promote doctoral topics of individuals.

Download our information flyer to find out more about our industry scholarships.

Thanks to the funding of research groups and doctoral topics, companies gain comprehensive access to one of the world’s most innovative aerospace research landscapes. Munich Aerospace supports researchers by means of targeted research networking and public relations work.

Upon request, Munich Aerospace will arrange your endowed doctoral scholarships for suitable young researchers and will take over the administrative processing as well as the scientific supervision of the candidates by one of our four partners:


Munich Aerospace e.V. – Bayerisches Forschungsnetzwerk
Telefon +49 (0)89 307 48 49-56

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