The virtual Global Aerospace Campus was launched by Munich Aerospace in 2016 out of the Regional Leaders Summit (RLS)*. Since then, more than 600 projects have been implemented on a bilateral and multi-regional level.
RLS is a scientific network with 7 partner regions worldwide for international education, exchange, and cooperation. The Global Aerospace Campus accelerates international exchange on innovations and global challenges in the field of aerospace.
There are three interconnected measures to implement the goals of the Global Aerospace Campus:
- international conferences
- online courses for students and young professionals
- the opportunity for international research cooperation or publications.
Establishment & objectives
Through international coordination, the technological innovations of today can meet the global challenges of tomorrow. To shape technological change in a sustainable way, heads of government from seven partner regions meet every two years at the Regional Leaders’ Summit (RLS).
In 2016, the scientific network RLS-Global Aerospace Campus emerged out of it. It offers researchers and specialists in the high-tech aerospace industry an ecosystem for international education, exchange, and cooperation.
Partner regions & coordination
Scientists from the seven partner regions coordinate the international exchange:
Professor Klaus Drechsler
Member of the Munich Aerospace Executive Board, Chair of Carbon Composites at Technical University of Munich
Professor Luis Rodrigues
Member of the Montreal Aerospace Institutes, Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University in Montréal
Professor William Roberto Wolf
Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at University of Campinas
Dr Jaa (Japie) Engelbrecht
Senior Lecturer for Aerospace Control Systems at Stellenbosch University
Professor Roland Markus Hinterhölzl
Head of Research Group for Lightweight Construction and Composite Materials at University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Professor Dimitri Mavris
Director of the Aerospace System Design Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology
Professor Ning Guo
Associate Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai Shandong
Academy of Sciences
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Since 2016, aerospace researchers have been organising scientific events in seven partner regions on various topics.
4th Global Aerospace Summit in Bavaria
Contents: For the fourth time, researchers and experts from the Munich Aerospace innovation network and the Bavarian partner regions (Regional Leaders’ Summit) met at the Global Aerospace Summit in Herrsching, Bavaria, which took place from 19 to 21 September 2022 to exchange ideas, discuss their technological status quo and explore new practices for sustainable technologies and cooperation in aerospace.
The three-day event focused on the topic of “Sustainable (Aero)Space: Protecting our Environment with Technological Innovations” and, in addition to technical contributions, addressed new opportunities for the rapid translation of exciting ideas into sustainable products and services.
Download: Event programme (PDF)
RLS Global Aerospace Campus online conference on “Advanced (Urban) Air Mobility”
Contents: At the virtual Global Aerospace Campus event held on 14 June 2021, scientists from the RLS partner regions reported on “Advanced (Urban) Air Mobility” research and technology in their regions. In particular, they highlighted the opportunities and challenges in terms of sustainability, regulations, social acceptance, and big data processing for future urban aviation concepts.
Virtual round table of the RLS-Sciences network on COVID-19
Contents: As part of the virtual RLS symposium on COVID-19, the government of Upper Austria had set up a virtual round table with RLS scientists on COVID-19. The Global Aerospace Campus was able to report on a huge demand due to the pandemic in an eLearning programme. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has since been accessible free of charge on
Download: Event programme (PDF)
3rd Global Aerospace Summit in São Paulo, Brazil
Motto: The best from all partner regions on digitisation in the fields of aerospace, satellites, and energy.
Contents: Researchers from all partner regions gathered for a scientific exchange in the Brazilian technology centre São José dos Campos. The three key topics of the meeting were: Digitisation in aerospace, mini-satellites, and energy. The scientists presented the latest developments in their respective regions.
Download: Event programme (PDF)
2nd Global Aerospace Summit in Québec, Canada
Topic: Sustainable technologies in aerospace as a response to the challenges of Industry 4.0
Chaired by ETS Montréal (École de technologie supérieure), the Montreal Aerospace Institutes and other international partners of the Global Aerospace Campus met in Montreal, Québec, in May 2018. Topics of the meeting comprised sustainable technological developments aimed at forming the foundation of the “fourth industrial revolution” and the accompanying offers of the educational institutions for the qualification of future aerospace engineers.
Download: Event programme (PDF)
1st Global Aerospace Summit in Bavaria
Topic: Green Aerospace – For sustainable technologies in aerospace
In June 2017, scientists, industry stakeholders and PhD students from all partner regions met at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus near Munich to address the topic of Green Aerospace. This event was organised by Munich Aerospace.
Download: Event programme (PDF)
Munich Aerospace Summer School
Topic: Flying Robots. Concepts and Challenges of Aerial Autonomy
The annual Munich Aerospace Summer School was also the birth of the Global Aerospace Summit in 2016. For the first time, doctoral students from all partner regions came together for a three-day scientific conference at Lake Ammersee in Bavaria. This inspiring international exchange was the birth of a new series of events: the Global Aerospace Summit.
Download: Event programme (PDF)
The e-learning programme of the Global Aerospace Campus is an advanced education programme for students and young professionals interested in aerospace. International lecturers from teaching, industry and research highlight current and future-oriented aerospace topics in the courses. So far, three MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) have been published on the Coursera learning platform as part of the Global Aerospace Campus:
The international lecturers come from teaching, industry and research. Our members include the Technical University of Munich, the German Aerospace Centre, the University of the Bundeswehr Munich and Bauhaus Luftfahrt.
The Impulse “lecture series” combines lecture recordings by researchers and experts on current developments in the field of aerospace. All lectures are recorded live and in front of an audience. All lectures were recorded live and in front of an audience. The lecture series includes:
- Gianluigi Liva on “Communication Techniques for Large Scale Satellite IoT Systems”
- Global Aerospace Campus panelists from 5 countries on “Advanced (Urban) Air Mobility”
- Munich Aerospace Executive Mirko Hornung on “Advanced (Urban) Air Mobility” at MTL CONNECT 2021
- ESA-Generaldirektor Aschbacher: Europa braucht einen Raumfahrt-Boost – was kann Bayern beitragen?
- GAC.impulse: A robot named Pepper interviews Harald Schaub about the Human Factor in Industry
- Xiaoxiang Zhu spricht über ‚AI and Earth Observation’
- Klaus Schilling spricht über ‚Minisatelliten – kleine, vernetzte, kooperierende Satelliten‘
Funding opportunities for researchers
Information on international funding opportunities is provided for scientists at the Global Aerospace Campus here:
Since the launch of the Global Aerospace Campus in 2016, various organisations have contributed: