For the fourth time, researchers and experts from Munich Aerospace’s innovation network and from the Bavarian partner regions (Regional Leaders’ Summit) will meet for the Global Aerospace Summit in Herrsching, Bavaria, from 19-21 September 2022.
The three-day event will focus on the topic of “Sustainable (Aero)Space: Protecting our Environment with Technological Innovations” and, in addition to technical contributions, will address opportunities for the rapid implementation of exciting ideas in sustainable products and services.
At this stage, contributions are expected from the German Aerospace Center, Technische Universität München, MTU Aero Engines, Georgia Institute of Technology, Concordia University Montréal, Airbus, Ariane Group, EU’s Clean Aviation Initiative, IABG, Bundeswehr University Munich, Bauhaus Luftfahrt, OroraTech, ESA bic, Fraunhofer Aviation & Space, Munich Airport, TUM Venture Lab, founders@unibw and ETS Montréal.
After events in Bavaria (2017), Montréal (2018) and Sao Paulo (2019) and a break due to corona, the scientists from the Bavarian partner regions will meet again this year for a face-to-face exchange, discuss their technological status quo and explore new practices for sustainable technologies and collaborations in aviation and space.
The last day tickets to the free event are available at
The full programme of the 4th Global Aerospace Summit can be found here.

Maurílio Albanese Novaes Júnior as a senior executive with 18+ years of experience is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Embraer. He started as Product Strategist in the Market Intelligence and Strategic Planning Team. He later held the position of Sales Support and Market Analysis Manager for Executive Aviation, based in Singapore. Later, as Conceptual Design Manager, he led several conceptual design projects (technical studies and business cases) for Commercial, Executive, Agricultural and Defense Business Units.Maurílio holds a master degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica & Executive Leadership Development Program from Fundação Dom Cabral in Brazil.

Prof. Christian Moreau is a professor in the Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering Department at Concordia University since 2013. He is the holder of the Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering and Research Director of the Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI). Since 2017, he leads the NSERC Canada Research Strategic Network on Green Surface Engineering for Advanced Manufacturing (Green-SEAM). He is also Director and co-founder on the Concordia Research Centre on Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering (TSSE).

Professor Luis Rodrigues performs research on control systems and machine learning applied to aerospace systems at Concordia University in Montreal. He has authored or co-authored over 120 journal and conference publications, four aerospace opinion articles in the Hill Times, and is first author of the book “Piecewise Affine Control: Continuous Time, Sampled Data, and Networked Systems”. One of Dr. Rodrigues’ publications, entitled “Trajectory Planning and control of a quadrotor choreography for real-time artist-in-the-loop performances”, received the Unmanned Systems journal’s best paper award in the 2018-2019 applications category. Professor Rodrigues is a life member of the AIAA and a senior member of the IEEE.

Fabian Donus joined MTU Aero Engines as an Aerospace Engineer after graduation in 2008 and worked several years as a gas turbine performance engineer on the development of the first generation Geared Turbofan. Donus changed to the advanced design department as focal point for revolutionary engine concepts and temporarily worked at the corporate strategy department to build-up the “InnoLab”, MTUs incubator for radical innovations. Since 2021 he acts as the Innovative Propulsion Director responsible for sustainability in aviation.

Prof. Klaus Drechsler is Full Professor of the Chair for Carbon Composites at Technical University of Munich and member of the Executive Board of Munich Aerospace. He is the Lead Scientist of the first international e-learning and research network programme “Global Aerospace Campus”, which was launched in 2016 as part of the Regional Leaders’ Summit and addresses scientists and experts from the Bavarian partner regions. The programme reaches up to 10,000 learners worldwide. In 2019, Drechsler was appointed Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology (IGCV).

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner is currently at the Technische Universität Berlin at the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Until retirement in March 2019, he was university professor for Flight Mechanics, Flight Control and Aeroelasticity at the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at TU Berlin. He was principal engineer in the domain ‘Flight Control’ at Airbus, Hamburg, where he worked from 1984-2004. He was Chair of the CEAS Technical Committee “Guidance Navigation and Control” (2007-17), Chair of the DGLR Technical Committee L6 “Flight Mechanics, Flight Guidance and Control” (1994-2020) and he was member of the “A380 Wake Vortex Group” (2003-06). He is Associate Fellow AIAA, member of the DGLR Senate, and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Munich Aerospace since 2021. His research focus is in flight mechanics and flight control related to aeroelastic commercial transport and utility aircraft.

Dr. Simon M. Kothe studied mechanical engineering at Technical University Hamburg. From 03.2010 to 02.2011 he worked as a Scientific Researcher at the Institute for Production Management and Technology at Technical University Hamburg. In 03.2011 he became Group Manager and Deputy Head of Department at the Automation and Production Technology Department of Fraunhofer IFAM in Stade. His main fields of activity were automated machining systems, measurement devices and robotics. These were also the topics of his doctoral thesis. Between 06.2017 and 07.2018 he worked as Patent Engineer at VKK Patent Attorneys in Hamburg. In 09.2018 Simon Kothe returned to Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen as Head of Department Business Development. Since 07.2021 he is also Head of Central Office of Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE.

Axel Krein is the Executive Director of Clean Sky since 2019, and since its establishment in 2021 the Executive Director of the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. Clean Aviation develops and demonstrates revolutionary new technologies and aircraft concepts to support the EU’s climate neutrality goals for aviation in the context of the Horizon Europe framework programme for Research & Innovation and the European Green Deal. Prior to Clean Sky, Axel held various positions in Airbus, including Senior Vice President Cyber Security Program (2014 – 2019); Senior Vice President Research & Technology (2007 – 2014); Senior Vice President Strategic Development (2004 – 2007); and Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer (2000 – 2004).

Johannes Stuhlberger graduated from Aerospace Engineering in Munich. For more than 30 years he is working in the aerospace industry in various engineering and management positions and numerous locations. He was plant manager and responsible for profit and loss. In more than 10 years within Airbus CTO or technology department he invented as head of global innovation networks the hybrid electric roadmap for Airbus and derived the scouting for innovative technologies. He brought various demonstrators for alternative hybrid and electric propulsion and alternative fuels in flight. For more than a decade he has been caring for solutions to reduce the environmental impact of airbus products and services. The main focus now is on mid to long term innovative techology trend scouting.

Dr. Olaf Heintze is assigned to the Divisional Board Member Aeronautics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Dr. Markus Fischer, for aeronautics division development matters. After completing his doctorate in the USA, he joined DLR, then coordinated research in a medium-sized aerospace company before returning to DLR, first to the Aeronautics Program Directorate as a research area coordinator and then to the Divisional Board Aeronautics.

Prof. Carole Ey Ayoubi ing., PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering at Concordia University. She is currently Director of two undergraduate programs; mechanical and aerospace engineering, as well as the director of education at the Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation. Dr. El Ayoubi is dedicated to the cultivation of multidisciplinary teaching methods and support excellence in aerospace training at Concordia University. She has experience as an aerodynamics engineer at Pratt & Whitney Canada, and her area of research is focused on the aerothermal design of gas turbines.

Prof. Matthias Gerdts received his doctoral degree in 2001 and his habilitation in 2006 from the University of Bayreuth, Germany. In 2003 he was a visiting professor at the University of California, San Diego. From 2004 to 2007 he held a junior professorship for numerical optimal control at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hamburg, Germany, and moved afterwards to a lecturer position for mathematical optimization at the University of Birmingham, U.K.. From 2009-2010 he was an associate professor for optimal control at the University of Würzburg, Germany. Since 2010 he is a full professor for engineering mathematics at the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the University of the Bundeswehr University Munich. His primary research interests are optimal control and methods, differential-algebraic equations, model-predictive control, and sensitivity analysis with applications in automotive systems, robotics, and aerospace engineering.

Prof. Constantinos Antoniou (PhD MIT) is a Full Professor of the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Bavaria, Germany. His research focuses on modelling and optimization of transportation systems, data analytics and machine learning for transportation systems, and human factors for future mobility systems.

Stephanie Wissmann is CMO at SpaceFounders, the first independent European space accelerator. She is a research associate at the Entrepreneurship Unit “founders” at the Bundeswehr University Munich, a lecturer at Munich Business School and co-founder of a biotech startup. Stephanie Wissmann is committed to promoting startup ecosystems to strengthen innovation and sustainability.

Prof. Hany Moustapha is Professor and Director of the Aerospace Programmes (AEROÉTS) at ÉTS Montréal. He is the Canadian industry and academic member of NATO’s Aviation Technology since 2000 and founder and cofounder of the Montreal Aerospace Institute (MAI, 2001), the Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec (CRIAQ, 2002), Aero Montreal Cluster (2005), the Green Aviation Research and Development Network (GARDN, 2007), AEROETS (2010), Aerospace 4.0 (2016) and Innovation 4.0 Network of eight Canadian universities (2019).

Dr. Hannes Bartz received his Dr.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Munich in 2017. In his dissertation (supervised by Prof. Gerhard Kramer) he developed efficient algebraic decoding schemes for error-correcting codes in subspace and rank metric. These codes are of particular interest for error control in network coding as well as for code-based cryptosystems. In July 2017 he joined the Information Transmission Group within the Satellite Networks department at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) where he worked code-based post-quantum cryptosystems. Since April 2021 he is leading the Quantum-Resistant Cryptography (QRC) group within the Satellite Networks department. Since July 2017 he is part of the Munich Aerospace research group “Multiaccess and Security Coding for Massive IoT Satellite Systems”. Hannes Bartz received the Prof. Dr. Ralf Kötter memorial award for his diploma thesis in 2012.

Dr. Thomas Delamotte received the master’s degree in communications and network engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree (summa cum laude) in communications engineering from the Bundeswehr University Munich, Munich, Germany, in 2019.,He was a Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Bundeswehr University Munich. Since 2016, he has been coordinating the Research Group Digital Satellite Payloads and Satellite Monitoring from the Chair of signal processing with the same university. He is currently engaged in several national and international research projects focusing on the application of advanced signal processing techniques and waveform designs for next-generation high-throughput satellite systems. He is a Member of the satellite expert working groups from the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform and the IEEE Future Networks initiative.

Dr. Kay Plötner heads the team Economics and Transportation at Bauhaus Luftfahrt since 2016, anticipating future developments of the air transport system. The team is researching integration solutions for metropolitan and rural regions, taking into account economics, ecology, equity and urban planning. As head of the Munich Aerospace research group “Modelling and Simulation of Urban Air Mobility”, exchange of latest urban and regional air mobility research has been fostered by him. Before Kay Plötner joined Bauhaus Luftfahrt in 2010, he studied and completed his doctorate in aerospace engineering at the Technical University of Munich.

Dr. Florian Dötzer is Managing Director of TUM Venture Lab Aerospace in Munich. He is actively promoting high-technology innovations through his role as advisor for multi-national companies and mentoring start-ups at German Accelerator, Slingshot and AdMaCom. In Singapore, he was active as industry liaison for Technische Universität München’s Singapore office. He held various positions at Altran Group, Airbus and BMW Group in Munich, Delhi, Bangalore and Hamburg.

Dr. Christian Helcig is the Chief Engineer at the Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion at the Technical University of Munich. His primary responsibilities are the administration of the Chair, teaching undergraduate and graduate students, and mentoring and supporting Ph.D. students. His research interest is sustainable aviation, including advanced aerodynamic designs, heat transfer methods, sustainable flight propulsion, and aviation fuels. Besides his academic career, he worked as a test engineer for Rolls-Royce. Christian Helcig is the TUM organizer for the “European Consortium for Advanced Training in Aerospace,” which gives him a broad overview of the aviation industry’s challenges and needs. In 2021 he joined Munich Aerospace as a research group leader for the “Performance and Emissions of Helicopter Engines using Drop-In Biofuels.

Dr. Tina Jurkat-Witschas studied Physics at the University of Heidelberg and Conception, Chile and did her PhD in airborne measurements of jet engine exhaust gases. She is employed as a scientist at German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2010, working in the field of aircraft emissions and contrails and aircraft icing. She has participated in and coordinated national and international flight campaigns related to aircraft emissions and contrails. Since 2021 she is leading the research group H2CONTRAIL investigating the impact of hydrogen engines on contrail properties.

Dr. Sudipan Saha is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the AI4EO Future Lab, Technical University of Munich, working with Prof. Xiao Xiang Zhu. He received a Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy in 2020 working with Dr. Francesca Bovolo and Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone. He is the recipient of FBK Best Student Award 2020. Previously, he obtained the M.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2014. He worked as an Engineer with TSMC Limited, Hsinchu, Taiwan, from 2015 to 2016. His research interests are related to multi-temporal and multi-sensor remote sensing image analysis, uncertainty quantification, image segmentation, and deep learning.

Tobias Korbanek holds a diploma degree in aerospace engineering from the Technical University of Dresden. During his studies he had student-stations at Rolls Royce Deutschland. He joined IABG in 2008 as a test engineer for full scale fatigue tests on Airbus A380 and others. Korbanek re-focused 2019 within IABG on the concept development for hybrid-electric propulsion systems testing applications. Currently he is developing a hydrogen testing project for cryogenic-systems with a focus on large systems and high-risk-testing environments.

Lukas Krempel holds a master’s degree in Physics from the Technical University of Munich. Next to the studies he was student lead of the CubeSat mission MOVE-II that has been operational in space since 2018. From 2019 onwards he has been part of OroraTech GmbH. Currently he is leading the payload development, enabling the satellites to detect wildfires from space.

Elisabeth Loeffelholz von Colberg studied as Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. & Master of Science in Strategic Project Management and started her professional career at Tesat-Spacecom afterwards. Following several career steps at Airbus Defence and Space and ArianeGroup, she was always associated to space. Today at ArianeGroup Elisabeth is a Business Manager for Hydrogen in Germany. She is responsible for business development for hydrogen and for coordinating ArianeGroup’s hydrogen activities in Germany. The enormous exposure to CO2 emissions, require the aerospace industry to reposition its economic footprint. One major focus is the transfer to green energy supply. Elisabeth is convinced that hydrogen is a key enabler to reduce emissions and will be a key part of the solution to stop climate change. Elisabeth is passionate about nature and loves to be in the forest. “Being able to contribute to something bigger and to make an impact – to save nature – is what drives me.”.

Max Scheulen is the Global Head of System Architecture – Electrical at Rolls-Royce and leads the department for Safety, Architecture and Simulation in Munich and Erlangen. In these roles, he coordinates the development of the architectural solutions for hybrid-electric propulsion systems on a global level. Max Scheulen entered RollsRoyce in October 2019 when the Siemens internal startup was acquired. Previously, he held multiple management positions in the aviation and automotive industry and was responsible for the development of hybrid-electric systems and powertrains. He is a physicist and received his diploma from the University of Karlsruhe in 2007.

Fiona Starke holds a bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration and a master’s degree in Sustainable Development. She joined Munich Airport in 2017 and has been part of the Strategic Sustainability Management team of MUC since 2019. As CSR manager, she coordinates the implementation of the sustainability strategy and is leading projects in various fields of sustainable business development. Furthermore, she supports the pursuit of Munich Airport’s goal to reach climate-neutrality in 2030 and net zero emissions in 2050 the latest.

Thorsten Rudolph has founded Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (AZO) in 2004 as a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR e.v.), where he was responsible for the technology transfer unit. He has served as the Managing Director of AZO ever since. Thorsten has successfully grown AZO from a local incubator to the largest space innovation network in Europe, covering the entire space start-up value chain from ideation over acceleration to market entry and the acquisition of equity funding.