From 25th to 28th July 2023, Munich Aerospace as part of a Bavarian RLS-Sciences delegation visited the RLS-Sciences partner-region São Paulo for a bilateral networking mission at the University of Campinas. Dr Peter Hülse, Head of Strategy and Projects at Munich Aerospace and Lead Coordinator of the RLS-Sciences Global Aerospace Campus project, represented the Bavarian RLS-Sciences aerospace interests to discuss the potential of cooperationand student exchanges.
During several meetings and networking dinners with high-ranking representatives from the aerospace research community, the Brazilian funding agency FAPESP, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bavarian state chancellery, and the DAAD discussed areas of common interest, as well as the potential for cooperation and student exchange were. Two highlights were the visits of the INPE (National Institute for Space Research) campus in São José dos Campos and the Sirius synchrotron in Campinas.
INPE conducts a wide range of space research including satellite assembly and testing, space weather, small satellites, earth observation, weather, astrophysics, supercomputing, artificial intelligence and more. There are many overlaps with Bavarian aerospace research interests. The Bavarian delegation received a personal tour through INPE’s testing and assembly facilities. Here, the General Coordinator of Infrastructure and Applied Research Prof. Geilson Loureiro showed an impressive range of state-of-the-art equipment, including thermal-vacuum chambers for testing satellites under real space conditions, acoustic chambers to reproduce the noise during the launch of satellites, an electromagnetic anechoic chamber, and the space weather laboratory. Following an invitation by INPE Deputy Director and General Coordinator of Organizational Management Mônica E. Rocha de Oliveira, Dr Peter Hülse presented the Global Aerospace Campus project and Munich Aerospace’s role in Bavaria. Deputy Director de Oliveira was intrigued by Munich Aerospace’s activities in aerospace research, education and network management in Bavaria and globally. Specifically, the Munich New Space Summit triggered great interest. Deputy Director de Oliviera and Prof. Loureiro further expressed great interest to participate in Global Aerospace Campus online courses and to investigate the potential of research cooperation and student exchanges.
Sirius is a 4th generation synchrotron at the Brazilian Centre for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). It is an impressive facility and worldwide only three of these latest generation synchrotrons exist. University researchers in an accepted research project can use this facility free of charge (e.g. for materials research).
We would like to express our deep gratitude to our colleagues and friends from the University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, INPE, CNPEM, BayFOR, and BAYLAT for organising this networking event. The exchange and visits were very valuable and the hospitality and social events were fantastic.
The region of São Paulo truly is home to excellent aerospace research, research facilities, and industry. Bavaria and São Paulo are RLS-Sciences partner-regions and several uni-, bi- and multilateral, as well as mobility funding opportunities exist. This makes São Paulo an interesting and attractive partner for research cooperation or student exchange. We encourage our members, students and Bavarian partners to establish contact and to explore the potential of this unique partnership.
Are you interested?
Please contact Dr Peter Hülse: